24 hours and still mouse free
N0 mice in the traps and no traps stripped of their goodies (in a non-perverted way of course).
So now what do I write about????
How about what I have learned from this adventure:
1. There is never just ONE mouse.
2. Medium to Dark colored towels are never the same after bleach.
3. When bleached, medium-dark colored towels become oddly shaded towels.
4. Never, I repeat, Never let a teenager play with ammonia.
5. Chunky peanut butter is stickier than smooth peanut butter (Thank you, Phil)
6. Glue traps really suck--but they make good photo opportunities!!!!
6A. why would you go to all the trouble to catch a mouse to set it free??
7. I can still scream like a girl if the situation dictates it.
8. Always look in the towel closet before just reaching in and grabbing a towel.
9. Testosterone does affect the brain, even at the age of 4 years.
10. A mouse problem, if looked at in the right perspective, can offer days of entertainment for
boys and makes for great blogging material.
11. I know I am not the only person that has ever had a mouse in their house. Too many people
could relate to what I was going through.
12. Drama Mama still thinks I'm not all there....(did I check the washer for floating body
parts...8 times thank you very much!!!!!)
13. My teenager watches way to much TV and should probably be a comedian. His
commentary on his mouse destruction was quite entertaining. And I didn't even catch any
cuss words.
And to quote Alec....
I can relate.
Ding dong the mice are dead! I had a mouse that got into a townhouse I was living in during college. You've never seen two grown women hop onto a couch and scream for dear life so quickly as my roomate and I when we saw that tiny little mouse. It was the most helpless feeling situation at the time- but you and your brave boys are quite inspiring.
Keep up the good work »
Excellent, love it! »
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