Back Yard Issues
$500.00 and 6 brown skin toned men later.......... (I'm not being racist, I promise. One I know was Navajo, two looked alot like true Mexico Mexicans the two owners/brothers were some kind of racial mixture.)
Yes....we have sun and a semi clean back porch again!!!!! This is actually my neighbor's tree, but they wouldn't trim it when I asked and to go to court to make them would cost more than it would to have it done. And since there wasn't a electrical line threat...the city wouldn't do it either..... It took 20 minutes to cut that huge sucker down and 3 hours of 6 guys cleaning up the mess......and the main chainsaw dude was sitting on the limb and cutting it at the same time....I guess he doesn't have a caffine intake problem......
Then........two days ago horrible winds started. AJ was at work and so was I and I had forgotten to put up the umbrella in the table. We had collapsed it but it wasn't in the garage........ I need to find a replacement table top.
and Mindless........ummmm I don't think the hernia squeezing thing hurts cause he doesn't claw at me or anything...he actually sits still for it....
I did try to take a picture of him but the second he saw something in my hand that wasn't a 9 lives can....he headed for the backdoor.......
I can't believe what a difference that one branch made once it was removed! WOW! And that really stinks about the table!
And I pictured the cat running away from you with camera in hand trying to coax him to let you take his picture! LOL.
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