
The Angel Tree

I got a call today from a very nice lady with the holiday charity "The Angel Tree". She said that the boys' (all 3) names and information had been given to her by their dad who was in the Los Lunas Facility.

a bit of history first.....

Our last visit with meth-man (October, 2005) he mentioned that he put the boys names in for The Angel Tree because that was the only way that "he" could give them gifts. I told him that it was not necessary that the boys will and always had more than they should at Christmas and that there are many less fortunate children that could use some Christmas cheer!!! He said I was being stubborn and selfish and I wasn't allowing him to be a part of the boys lives. Hello!!!! you are locked up you tweaker. (And he put AJ's name in too. AJ is not his son and cannot stand even the mention of his name.)

I pretty plainly tell him that I do not want to participate in the program. He keeps arguing that it is his only way of being in the boys lives. Great, the only way he can be in their lives is to have a total stranger buy them a present???? After about 20 minutes of discussing this and me not budging...

he finally says "Look, I get extra points in here if I put my kids' names on this list, OK!!"

Finally, the truth is known. As usual, he is not thinking of them he is thinking of himself and trying to make it look good. I told him he can do what he wants, but I will not participate and they will not get near my children. He corrected me and said "our" children. I just looked at him and said "whatever, they both know who the true parent is." I mean this visit was strained enough with his condition and "shamrock guard" watching over us. Needless to say we haven't been back.

Okay, back to the phone call. The lady was very nice. She said that she would like 4 or 5 things that each child would like for Christmas. I explained to her that I really wasn't comfortable participating in this program. She kept talking saying it was a way for prisoners to make sure that their children were provided for while they were incarcerated. (now, she is getting to me and I start getting pissy). I told her that their father never provided for them or cared for them when he was free, why should it change now?? She told me that I needed to put my bitterness aside and think of the children. HA!!! What the hell does she think I have been doing for the last 3.5 years. What am I doing when I take them to visit their dad???? Negative thoughts aside, I take a deep breath. I tell her that we are not strained for money or presents, but if she insists on doing this that she could put down blankets, sweat pants and winter coats for any youth size.

She said "What?".

I said, "if you insist on me participating, I will take things for the battered woman's shelter. They are in need of these things for those who are truly needy this holiday season and I will donate them in the boys' father's name. "

"Well ma'am we cannot do that. "

"Why can't you??? I gave you the lists and that is what you asked."

"Because the presents are not for an inmates children"

"How do you know that these homeless children don't have inmate fathers?"

She just hung up on me.......

I don't understand. I told her I didn't want to participate and she insisted. When I told her the "basic" things and that they would go to the battered woman's shelter she can't do that.

Needless to say, I am still going to Wal-mart this weekend and get some blankets and some sweat pants for kids, probably the plain grey ones. I already have some make-up samples that I conned out of some associates at Dillards. (That wasn't an easy task.) So I can take a pretty decent load to the shelter.

I pick this particular "charity" because without my parents being who they are and always being there for me, the boys and I would of been in that shelter. I am thankful that there are such organizations and I am in full support of them.

Merry Christmas--God Bless Us, Everyone!!


Blogger Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

wow. so, what are the points for? so he can get parole faster? a**h***. i would never do that!
i think the battered women's shelters need more recognition. they dont get enough donations. good for you peebugg. rock on.

in like, a month im heading on a like, 12 hour drive to VA to visit the father's parents.
they are shampooing carpets, stocking up on veggies and fruit, and buying presents left and right, and OH! it's just so exciting!
i cant wait to see them. it's been so long. they call like, 3 times a week now. it's very very exciting!

11/19/2005 10:22 AM  
Blogger Erica Hanks said...

I don't even know what to say to that.

11/19/2005 12:17 PM  
Blogger peebugg said...

Have I done the impossible?????

Have I made the famous Drama Mama speechless????

lol...I'm just kidding.....

It was an odd phone call.

11/19/2005 12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2/15/2007 2:32 PM  

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